Salmon Fishing has been solid the last few days! All of our guides are finding fishing from Oak Bay to near Sooke. The pinks are so fun to catch as they school up and if you find one you will likely find many. When our clients choose to go salmon fishing with us they are in for a great experience, one they will not soon forget! Lately the guides have been finding a combination of pink and Chinook salmon. As you may know there are 5 species of Salmon, Pinks are the smallest but they are tasty and Chinook, also called King Salmon, are the biggest. We have caught several Chinook in the 25 pound range, what a thrill!
Our guides will talk to you about the current conditions and give you their best suggestion of what to target. As both species favour different environments and eat different food, the manor in which you fish for them is also different. You will like choose between targeting the more prolific Pinks or the harder fighting Chinook.
You will also be asked if you want to retain the fish or catch and release. We encourage our clients to catch and release if they don’t intend to eat the catch so these amazing fish can live another day! However if you wish to catch and eat your fish we can suggest some great ways to prepare them. You can also choose to have your fish processed – canned or smoked – at a nearby fish store.
But first you have to catch them, what are you waiting for call us now to book your trip. 250-370-2326
We recently took out three great guests who made this Salmon Fishing Video documenting their experience with us. July has been super solid in regards to salmon fishing but unfortunately our site was hacked this week and we lost most of the posts. We will recreate them over the coming days but for now check out this video. Salmon fishing is a really great way to relax, hang out on the ocean and enjoy one of the most beautiful parts of the world. It is awesome to think that within 5-20min of Victoria’s inner harbor you can have access to all five species of salmon. The five species are Chinook, Coho, Sockeye, Pink and Chum. Right now we are mostly catching Chinook and Pink Salmon – the biggest and smallest of the species. Pink are highly schooling fish so when you are on them it can be quite chaotic! Chinook (also called King and Spring salmon) are more solitary. Adam describes these fish as quality not quantity. Our guides will work with you to determine the best approach for your day on the water.
You can view the video and see for yourself how we operate!
Adam’s Fishing Charters has been introducing people to fish for over 25 years! Email us or give us a call at 250-370-2326 to reserve your day on the waters.
Get your fishing license online by clicking HERE
Coho Fishing in Victoria BC
As much as we love the summer fall brings with it Coho Fishing in Victoria. These fun lively salmon travel in schools so when we are on them the catch is usually good. Coho Fishing in Victoria is usually strong from mid September through early October.
It is a great time to get friends and family together to experience some of the best fishing the west coast has to offer. Typically Coho salmon range from 6 – 15 pounds and they are a great fighting fish. We will troll for them in 30 -150 feet of water using a variety of baits and lures. The anglers shown here were in Victoria as part of a conference. They found some time to pull a group together and we arranged for 3 boats to take the group out. Everyone had a great day and it’s a nice a group activity to do with colleagues. We work with groups as small as 12 or as large as 80. Large groups take some organization so early booking is key!
For friends and families the booking window is much closer, unlike the summer months when we are booked weeks ahead of time the fall allows for a bit more flexibility. Having said that it is best give us a call early so you have the best choice of dates.
Adam’s Fishing Charters operates year round and we encourage you seriously think about trying your luck Coho fishing in Victoria this year. As you will see from our website our guides are expert fisherman that will do their best to get you into fish. Our rates are $105 per hour and a 5 hour trip would do the trick for Coho. For that price you can have up to four anglers on the boat.
Give us a call at 250-370-2326 or 250-727-5575 or send us an email.
This might be the most technical post yet but fishing guides in Victoria play a delicate line between touch and knowledge. Fishing guides in Victoria are constantly changing their approach in order to consistently catch this amazing fish. We are apt to put down hoochies, lime green flashers, herring and on occasion anchovies! We use downriggers to get the lines straight down 50 to 150 ft and flashers to attract to the salmon to the bait. More importantly is the gear our fishing guides in Victoria use to land these fish for our guests. We use Islander reels that are second to none in these waters and offer the angler a real challenge but also the opportunity to really feel the fish. We pair those with long limber fishing rods to maximize the sport fishing experience. This group booked a full day and managed to land 2 nice 20 pounders. Our clients are given the opportunity to book 5 hour trips or full day trips which are 8 hours. If you have the time a full day will give you the most opportunity for success. We can cover more ground, use the full compliment of gear and you get a truly West Coast experience. All our guides have been fishing these waters for more than 10 years, some even longer. When it comes to choosing your fishing guide in Victoria make sure you secure someone who has both experience and knowledge partnered with all the latest equipment.
Give us a call at 250-370-2326 or 250-727-5575 or send us an email.
Adam’s Fishing Charters has been introducing people to fish for over 25 years.
When we take guests halibut fishing in Victoria we take the time to explain why these amazing fish are sometimes hard to catch. It’s a scent fishery where the halibut comb the sea bed looking for things to eat. In order to be the most effective halibut fisherman we need to get our bait right down to the bottom. Yes we use weights as well but the sea conditions have to be such that we are not fighting the tide and the current in order to get the bait down. We put down an anchor, bait the rods and send the line down over 200 feet. There are many things our skilled guides do to make sure we maximize our chances. Halibut Fishing in Victoria is very productive if you choose your days wisely. When you call us to book your halibut adventure we’ll be honest and direct you to the best days. It is usually wise to book well in advance for halibut as there are only 6-10 days a month when we feel it is effective. This is very different from Salmon fishing when the chances of a good catch are available everyday.
The three gentleman feature in this post did their homework and choose Adam’s Fishing Charters for their halibut adventure! We were delighted to land them three decent sized fish. Halibut in the area can get as big as 200 pounds but these ones in the 20-40 pound range are more common.
Give us a call at (250)370-2326 to book your trip or send us an email at