We recently took out three great guests who made this Salmon Fishing Video documenting their experience with us. July has been super solid in regards to salmon fishing but unfortunately our site was hacked this week and we lost most of the posts. We will recreate them over the coming days but for now check out this video. Salmon fishing is a really great way to relax, hang out on the ocean and enjoy one of the most beautiful parts of the world. It is awesome to think that within 5-20min of Victoria’s inner harbor you can have access to all five species of salmon. The five species are Chinook, Coho, Sockeye, Pink and Chum. Right now we are mostly catching Chinook and Pink Salmon – the biggest and smallest of the species. Pink are highly schooling fish so when you are on them it can be quite chaotic! Chinook (also called King and Spring salmon) are more solitary. Adam describes these fish as quality not quantity. Our guides will work with you to determine the best approach for your day on the water.
You can view the video and see for yourself how we operate!
Adam’s Fishing Charters has been introducing people to fish for over 25 years! Email us or give us a call at 250-370-2326 to reserve your day on the waters.
Get your fishing license online by clicking HERE
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