Coho Fishing in Victoria

Coho Fishing in Victoria BC

Coho Fishing in Victoria BC


As much as we love the summer fall brings with it Coho Fishing in Victoria. These fun lively salmon travel in schools so when we are on them the catch is usually good. Coho Fishing in Victoria is usually strong from mid September through early October.

It is a great time to get friends and family together to experience some of the best fishing the west coast has to offer. Typically Coho salmon range from 6 – 15 pounds and they are a great fighting fish. We will troll for them in 30 -150 feet of water using a variety of baits and lures. The anglers shown here were in Victoria as part of a conference. They found some time to pull a group together and we arranged for 3 boats to take the group out.  Everyone had a great day and it’s a nice a group activity to do with colleagues. We work with groups as small as 12 or as large as 80.  Large groups take some organization so early booking is key!

For friends and families the booking window is much closer, unlike the summer months when we are booked weeks ahead of time the fall allows for a bit more flexibility. Having said that it is best give us a call early so you have the best choice of dates.

Adam’s Fishing Charters operates year round and we encourage you seriously think about trying your luck Coho fishing in Victoria this year. As you will see from our website our guides are expert fisherman that will do their best to get you into fish. Our rates are $105 per hour and a 5 hour trip would do the trick for Coho. For that price you can have up to four anglers on the boat.

Give us a call at 250-370-2326 or 250-727-5575 or send us an email.


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